Cinderella Castle Disney Land Disney Adults

Our Mission

At Vacay Wishes, we believe every journey should be as unique as the individual embarking upon it. Our mission is to bring the magic of destinations like Walt Disney World, Universal Studios, cruises, and the serenity of all-inclusive resorts to life in ways that resonate deeply with our travelers. Grounded in our unwavering commitment to exemplary customer service, we pride ourselves on crafting vacations that are tailored impeccably to the whims and wishes of each family or individual. Dreams are personal, and so should be the journeys that fulfill them. Our promise is not just a vacation but an experience that lingers, reminding you of the enchantment of exploration and the personal touch of Vacay Wishes.

Our Promise

Customer Service Is Our Focus

At Vacay Wishes, we have always looked up to the industry’s trailblazers, and there’s no better example of exceptional service than Disney Institute’s customer service program. Just as Disney emphasizes creating unforgettable moments for every visitor, we, too, endeavor to craft vacations and experiences that stay with our clients for a lifetime.

Central to our approach is the belief that every client is part of our extended family. From the moment they reach out to us, we commit ourselves to understanding their travel preferences, aspirations, dreams, and even the nuances that often go unnoticed in standard booking procedures. By focusing on these intricate details, we can tailor an experience as unique as each individual or family that trusts us with their plans. Much like how Disney staff go the extra mile in personalizing interactions and ensuring each visitor feels valued, at Vacay Wishes, every interaction is an opportunity to make our clients feel special.

Moreover, inspired by Disney’s Institute’s proactive approach to addressing needs even before they arise, we’ve invested in training our team to anticipate and gracefully cater to any hitches or special requirements that might come up during a trip. It’s a culture of service that goes beyond mere transactions. We’ve seen firsthand the magic that arises from such a dedicated approach at Disney. At Vacay Wishes, we’re determined to sprinkle our brand of pixie dust over every vacation we curate. After all, in the world of travel, it’s not just about reaching a destination; it’s about the memories crafted and the service received along the way.

Our About

Meet Talitha

The heart of Vacay Wishes lies not in the destinations we offer but in the wonderful people we serve. I often get asked about what drives my passion for this business, and my answer remains consistent: it’s the genuine connections and relationships we foster with our clients. Every individual or family that seeks our services comes with a dream, a vision of their perfect getaway. Being entrusted with the responsibility of turning those dreams into reality is both an honor and a delight. customer service. I work with my husband at his practice and have built our company’s mission using Disney’s customer service concepts.

Over the years, I’ve had the privilege of listening to countless stories, understanding diverse preferences, and weaving together intricate travel plans. Each tale is unique and deeply personal from the twinkling eyes of a child eager to meet their favorite Disney character to the couple dreaming of a serene sunset on a cruise. And it’s in these moments, in the quiet conversations and shared excitement, I find the most joy. Each dream gives me an insight into a world full of hopes, adventures, and cherished memories waiting to be created.

Working closely with my clients is like opening a book filled with different chapters of adventures, emotions, and aspirations. Every page turned reveals a new desire, a new expectation, and a chance to exceed it. I am constantly inspired and motivated by their trust and anticipation. This boundless energy, this beautiful tapestry of diverse dreams and desires, makes every day at Vacay Wishes more than just a job for me. It’s a journey I am incredibly grateful to be a part of.